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14 August 2018



Your FB page and 'subscribe' button are not working. When will the book come out? do you have a blog/FB page still? Do you have info about the radio building that has the round, circular concrete screen?


Thank you, Cam. I have fixed the FB page link. The subscribe button subscribes to whatever feed reader you have set up on your computer. I barely know what I am doing here with regard to technical issues, but that is how it works for me.
The book is written now and is being edited. Then it needs to be laid out and sent to the printer. It looks like publication is about six months away at this point -- maybe next February 2019.
I still have my personal FB page as well as the book page. I don't maintain my old blog "Antidote to Burnout" anymore, but it is still online.
I am not sure which Radio Building with a circular concrete screen you refer to. The HCMC Radio Building at 3 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu street in the Đa Kao ward of District One has rectilinear concrete screens. This design is by Vietnamese architect Lê Văn Lắm, and it was constructed over a long period from around 1969 to 1976.

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